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HERMES - An experimental minero-petrological model of sulphide-assisted Hg spEciationapplied to volcano MonitoRing and sEdimentary recordS

The main goal of the proposed research is to develop an interpretative petrological model of mercury (Hg) abundances both involcanic products (lavas and gases, i.e.: the present) and in sedimentary rocks (anoxic layers linked to magmatic events, i.e.: thepast).The role played by the oxygenation of the Earth’s interior in the magma genesis and, in turn, on the outflux of elements that, once distributed in the atmosphere and oceanic waters, are trapped in sediments, represents the long-term purpose of the project.


























Among these elements, Hg is of particular interest since it has been proposed to mark catastrophic volcanic events in the sedimentary record. This includes those named Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), which have caused dramatic atmospheric changes and massextinctions during the history of our planet. However due to its low concentrations in degassed magmas and analytical challenges Hg’s behaviour in igneous rocks is poorly understood. 

The HERMES project will be developed through high-pressure (P) and temperature (T) experiments (tasks) aimed to determine 1) the stability of Hg-bearing minerals; 2) the partitioning of Hg between mineral and melt; 3) the effect of Hg on the viscosity and structure of liquids as analogues of natural magmas.

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