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Ph.D students


Giulia Marras 


Ferric iron measurements of natural spinel, cpx and garnet from mantle peridotites and eclogites;

- applications of the oxy-thermobarometry and the deep carbon cycle;

- textural and mineralogical observations of microinclusions in lithospheric diamonds;

- origin of LIP-related magmas and Hg as potential magmatic tracer.

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Antonio Angellotti
- Earth's lower mantle mineralogy;
- Polymorphic back-transformation reactions as potential geo-speedometer for super deep diamonds;
- Diamond inclusions.

M.Sc. students

Jacopo Bovenzi
Petrological investigation of trace elements used as geochemical proxy of sedimentary records associated to Mass Extinction events.

Pietro Todesco (SSAS student)
Vibrational properties and atomic structure of Ti-bearing glasses.


Federica Benedetti (M. Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2023 - Rome) Petrological investigation of trace elements used as geochemical proxy of sedimentary records; Picrites: Petrology and liquid rheology.

Lorenzo Di Francesco (bachelor in Earth Sciences, 2023 - Rome) From petrography to experimental petrology: how to reproduce in the laboratory P and T of the Earth's mantle.

Simone Di Massa (bachelor in Earth Sciences, 2023 - Rome) Mantle petrology through the analyses of natural peridotites, eclogites and mineral inclusions in diamonds.

Beatrice Celata (PhD candidate, March 2023 - Rome) Turmalines at High pressure and Temperatures. Now research fellow at Sapienza Univ., Rome.

Antonio Matteoli Rheological properties of Ti-rich melts.

Sara Carbone (M. Sc. in Applied Sciences to Cultural Heritage, June 2022) Spectroscopic characterization of gems and diamonds of Leone XII Dactyliotheca.

Veronica Stopponi (PhD candidate) Rheology, structure and ascent rate of volatile-bearing magmas at Earth’s upper mantle conditions. Now beamscientist at CNR-IOM of Elettra (Trieste).

Barbara Bonechi (PhD candidate, March 2020 - Rome) High pressure experiments on kinetic and rheological properties of primitive alkaline magmas: constraints on deep magmatic processes at the Campi Flegrei volcanic District. Now postdoc at Manchester Univ., UK.

Lavinia Rech (bachelor in Applied Sciences to Cultural Heritage, Jan 2021 - Rome) Petrographic and mineralogical characterization of the stone materials belonging to the Belli’s collection of the MUST.

Andreea Lazaroiu (bachelor in Applied Sciences to Cultural Heritage, Dec 2020 - Rome) Petrographic and mineralogical characterization of the stone materials belonging to the Belli’s collection of the MUST.

Luca Samuele Capizzi (postdoc, Oct 2018 - Nov 2020 - Rome) Tourmalines at high pressure and temperature.

Antonio Matteoli (B.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2020 - Rome) Reproducing Pressure and Temperature of the Earth’s Mantle using the Diamond Anvil Cell.

Nicolo' Codispoti (B.Sc. in Earth Science, 2020 - Rome) From planetesimals to Earth's accretion and the loss of primordial carbon

Giulia, Marras (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2020 - Rome)

She is now a PhD student at Sapienza University, Rome.

Antonio Mangiacapre (B.Sc. in Earth Science, 2020 - Rome) Topic: Accretion and differentiation of Earth through experimental studies

Andrea di Marco (B.Sc. in Earth Science, 2019 - Rome) Thesis on textural and mineralogical analyses of inclusions in lithospheric diamonds

Martina, Coppola (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2018 - Rome)

She is working on a couple of manuscripts on the interplay between fluid geochemistry, mineralogy and active faults in collaboration with dr. Billi and myself.

Francesco, Gioia (B.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2018 - Rome)

Linda, Peotta (B.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2018 - Rome)

Giulia, Marras (B.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2018 - Rome)

Lorenzo, Monaco (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2018 - Rome)

He is now a PhD student at Sapienza University, Rome. 

Serena, Dominijanni  (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2018 - Rome)

She is now PhD student at Bayerisches Geoinstitut (BGI) in Bayreuth, Germany. 

Natascia, Luciani  (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2016 - Rome)

Currently, she is a PhD student at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Silvia, Narzisi  (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2016 - Rome)

Veronica, Stopponi (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2018 - Rome)

She is now a PhD student at Sapienza University, Rome. 

Marco Caruso  (M.Sc. in Earth Sciences, 2016 - Palermo) PhD student from Nov 2016 to Dec 2017.

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