Journal Publications (peer-reviewed, in press, submitted and in preparation)
65. Marras, G., Lu, Y., Stopponi, V., Tao, R., Lin, Y., Stagno, V., High pressure and temperature investigation of silicic acid ± water with implications for the ice polymorphism, lunar moganite and diamonds growth media. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. Submitted.
64. Zhua, J., Tao, R., Sun, W., Ishii, T., Lie, Y., Li, H., Stagno, V., Zhang, L., An experimental investigation of the redox reactions between subducted carbonates and pyrrhotite at high P-T conditions: a new formation mechanism for (sub-)lithospheric diamonds. Submitted.
63. Marras, G., Mikhailenko, D., McCammon, C., Logvinova, A., Hanžel, D., Dallai, L., and Stagno V., Oxy-thermobarometry of grospydite and high-Ca eclogite xenoliths from Zagadochnaya kimberlite pipe (Yakutia, Siberian craton). Mineralogy and Petrology. Under review.
62. Marras et al. Terranova. Under review.
61. Angellotti, A., Marras, G., Morana, M., Chariton, S., Stopponi, V., Medeghini, L., Romano, C., Correale, A., Bindi, L., Kaminsky, F.V., Stagno, V. A unique lithospheric origin for a diamond from the Rio Sorriso area, Brazil. Under review.
60. Benedetti, F., Marras, G., Cannaò, E., Bianchini, G., Brunelli, D., Dallai, L., Stagno, V. Fe oxidation state and oxygen isotope composition of metasomatized mantle rocks from Tallante, Spain. Under review.
59. Wang, J., Marras, G., and Stagno, V. Determination of Fe3+ and Fe2+ partition coefficients between pyroxenes and basaltic melt by in-situ synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy. Under review.
58. Carnevale, G.,Caracausi, A., Coltorti, M., Faccini, B., Marras, G., Paternoster, M., Rotolo, S. G., Stagno, V., Zanon, V., Zummo, F., CO2-rich xenoliths at Mt. Vulture volcano (southern Italy): new constraints on the mantle and volcano plumbing system. Terranova,
57. Zhang, F., Stagno, V., Zhang, L., Chen, C. , Liu, H., Li, C., Sun, W. The constant oxidation state of Earth’s mantle since the Hadean, Nat. Comm., 15, 6521 (2024).
56. Marras, G., Mikhailenko, D., McCammon, C. A., Agasheva, E., Stagno, V., Ferric Iron in Eclogitic Garnet and Clinopyroxene from the V. Grib Kimberlite Pipe (NW Russia): Evidence of a Highly Oxidized Subducted Slab. J. of Petrology, 65, Issue 6, egae054,
55. Stopponi, V. , D'Arco, A. , Kono, Y. , Piccirilli, F. , Poe, B.T. , Lupi, S. , Nazzari, M. , Pappalardo, L. , Marras, G. , Zacchigna, M. , Manning, C.E. , Romano, C., Stagno, V. In situ investigation of the atomic structure of carbonate-silicate liquids at high pressure-temperature and spectroscopic characterization of the recovered quenched glasses. Chemical Geology, 2024, 122152.
54. Zhang, F., Lai, S., Stagno, V., Chen, L., Zhang, C., Zhu, R., et al. The redox state of the asthenospheric mantle and the onset of melting beneath mid-ocean ridges. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027033.
53. Mosesso, L., Macis, S., D’Arco, A., Marcelli, A., Notargiacomo, A., Spataro, B., Stagno, V., and Lupi, S., Characterization of CuAg alloys with low Ag concentrations, Materials 2024, 17, 1823.
52. Stagno, V., Bindi, L., Bonechi, B., et al. Cubic Fe-bearing majorite synthesized at 18-25 GPa and 1000 °C: implications for element transport, subducted slab rheology and diamond formation, Scientific Reports, 13, 15855 (2023).
51. Marras G., Stagno V., Andreozzi G.B., Caracausi A., Cerantola V., Frezzotti M.L., Zacchigna M., Perinelli C. Multi-stage oxidizing events recorded by peridotite mantle xenoliths from the Hyblean Plateau: evidence from combined measurements of Fe3+ in spinel with noble gases and fluid inclusions composition in olivine. Lithos, 458-459, 107337.
50. Marras, G., Carnevale, G., Caracausi, A., Rotolo, S. G., Stagno, V., First measurements of the Fe oxidation state of spinels inclusions in olivine single crystals from Vulture (Italy) by in situ synchrotron micro-Mössbauer technique. European Journal of Mineralogy, 35, 4, 665-678.
49. Stagno, V., Bindi, L. Quasicrystals at high pressures and temperatures: a review. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei.
48. Celata, B., Stagno, V., Capizzi, L., Bosi, F., Ballirano, P., D'Arco, A., Stopponi, V., Lupi, S., Scarlato, P., Skogby, H., Andreozzi, G.B., Schorl breakdown at upper mantle conditions: insights from an experimental study at 3.5 GPa. Lithos, 438–439,106999.
47. Stopponi, V., Piccirilli, F., D’Arco, A., Hrubiak, R., Lupi, S., and Stagno, V. In-situ investigation of the vibrational properties of H2O-CO2-bearing and dry K-rich basaltic glasses at high pressure by mid infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 602, 122085.
46. Aulbach, S., Woodland, Alan B., Stagno, V., Korsakov, A., Mikhailenko, D., Golovin, A., Fe3+ distribution and Fe3+/𝚺Fe-oxygen fugacity variations in kimberlite-borne eclogite xenoliths, with comments on clinopyroxene-garnet oxy-thermobarometry. J. of Petrology, 63, 1-22.
45. Bonechi, B., Stagno, V., Kono, Y., Hrubiak, R., Ziberna, L., Andreozzi, G.B., Perinelli, C., Gaeta, M., Experimental measurements of the viscosity and melt structure of alkali basalts at high pressure and temperature. Scientific Reports, 15, 2599.
44. Wu, Y., Yang, J.H., Stagno, V, Nekrylov, N., Wang, J.T., Wang, H. Redox heterogeneity of picritic lavas with respect to their mantle sources in the Emeishan large igneous province. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 320, 161-178.
43. Lustrino, M., Luciani, N., Stagno, V., Masotta, M., Scarlato, P. Experimental evidence on the origin of Ca-rich carbonated melts formed by interaction between sedimentary limestones and mantle-derived ultrabasic magmas. Geology, 2022.
42. Bonechi, B., Perinelli, C., Gaeta, M., Stagno, V., Fabbrizio, A., Mollo, S., Hrubiak, R., Experimental investigation of clinopyroxene dissolution in an alkaline basaltic melt at high pressure. Chemical Geology (2021) 584, 120533.
41. Stagno, V., Aulbach, S. Redox processes before, during and after Earth’s accretion affecting the deep carbon cycle. AGU Monograph (2021), Magma Redox Geochemistry, 19-32.
40. Ghosh, S., Tiwari, K., Miyahara, M., Rohrbach, A., Vollmer, C., Stagno, V., Ohtani, E., Ray, D. Natural Fe-bearing Aluminous Bridgmanite in the Katol Meteorite, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021) 118 (40).
39. Aiuppa, A., Casetta, F., Coltorti, M., Stagno, V. and Tamburello, G. Carbon concentration increases with depth of melting in Earth’s upper mantle. Nat. Geosci. (2021).
38. Coppola, M., Correale, A., Barberio M.D., Billi, A., Cavallo, A., Fondriest, M., Nazzari, M., Paonita, A., Romano, C., Stagno, V., Viti, C., and Vona, A. Micro- to nano-scale structural and geochemical evidence of fluid-assisted coseismic slip along the seismogenic carbonate-hosted Mt. Morrone Fault, Italy: implications for earthquake hydrogeochemical precursors. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2021) 568, 117010.
37. Bonadiman, C., Brombin, V., Andreozzi G.B., Benna, P., Coltorti, M., Curetti, N., Faccini, B., Merli, M., Pelorosso, B., Stagno, V., Tesauro, M., Pavese, A. Phlogopite-pargasite coexistence in an oxygen reduced spinel-peridotite ambient. Scientific Reports (2021), 11:11829.
36. Stagno, V., Bindi, L., Takagi, S., Kyono, A., Can quasicrystals survive in planetary collisions? Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2021), 8: 27.
35. Mikhailenko, D.S., Stagno, V., Korsakov, A.V., Andreozzi, G.B., Marras, G., Cerantola, V. , Malygina, E.V., Redox state determination of eclogite xenoliths from Udachnaya kimberlite pipe (Siberian craton), with some implications for the graphite/diamond formation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology (2020) 175:107.
34. Anzolini, C., Marquardt, K., Stagno, V., Bindi, L., Frost, D.J., Pearson, D.G., Harris, J.W., Hemley, R.J., Nestola, F., Evidence for complex iron oxides in the deep mantle from FeNi(Cu) inclusions in a super-deep diamond. (2020) PNAS, 117 (35) 21088-21094.
33. Stagno, V., Fei, Y., The redox boundaries of Earth's interior. Elements (2020), 16 pp.166-172.
32. Andreozzi, G.B., Bosi, F., Celata, B., Capizzi, L.S., Stagno, V., Beckett-Brown, C. 2020. Crystal-chemical behavior of Fe2+ in tourmaline dictated by structural stability: insights from a schorl with formula XNaY(Fe2+2Al)Z(Fe2+Al5)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3(OH,F) from Yukon Territory (Canada). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2020,47:25. 9-020-01094 -7.
31. Stagno, V., Kono, Y., Stopponi, V., Masotta, M., Scarlato, P., Manning, C.E. 2020. The viscosity of carbonate-silicate transitional melts at Earth’s upper mantle P-T conditions by in-situ falling-sphere technique. In Manning, C.E., Lin, J-F., Mao, W. (Eds) Carbon in Earth's Interior, AGU monographs.
30. Stagno, V., Stopponi, V., Kono, Y., D’Arco, A., Lupi, S., Romano, C., Poe, B.T. Poe, Foustoukos, D., Scarlato, P., Manning, Craig E. 2020. The viscosity and atomic structure of volatile-bearing melilititic melts at high pressure and temperature and the transport of deep carbon. Minerals, 2020, 10(3), 267;
Book Chapters
29. Stagno, V., Cerantola, V., Aulbach, S., Lobanov, S., McCammon, C.A., Merlini, M. 2019. Carbon-bearing phases throughout Earth’s interior - evolution through space and time. In B. Orcutt, I. Daniel, & R. Dasgupta (Eds.), Deep Carbon: Past to Present (pp. 66-88). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
28. Shirey, S.B., Pearson, D.G., Walter, M.J., Aulbach, S., Brenker, F.E., Bureau, H., Burnham, A.D., Cartigny, P., Chacko, T., Frost, D.J., Hauri, E.H., Jacob, D.E., Jacobsen, S.D., Kohn, S.C., Luth, R.W., Mikhail, S., Navon, O., Nestola, F., Nimis, P., Smit, K.V., Smith, E.N., Stachel, T., Stagno, V., Steele, A., Thomassot, E., Thomson, A.R., Weiss, Y. 2019. Diamonds and the Mantle Geodynamics of Carbon: Deep Mantle Carbon Evolution from the Diamond Record. In Orcutt, B., Daniel, I., and Dasgupta, R. (Eds.) Deep Carbon: Past to Present (pp. 89-128). Cambridge University Press.
27. Gu, T., Stagno, V., Fei, Y., Partition coefficient of phosphorus between liquid metal and silicate melt with implications for Martian magma ocean. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 295, 106298.
26. Lustrino, M., Luciani, N., Stagno, V., Fuzzy petrology in the origin of carbonatitic/pseudocarbonatitic Ca-rich ultrabasic magma at Polino (central Italy). Scientific Reports, 9, 9212.
25. Perinelli C., Gaeta M., Bonechi B., Granati S., Freda C., D'Antonio M., Stagno V., Sicola S., Romano C. Effect of water on the phase relations of primitive K-basalts: implications for high pressure differentiation in the Campi Flegrei magmatic system. Lithos, 342-343, 530-541.
24. Stagno, V., Carbon, carbides, carbonates and carbonatitic melts in the Earth’s interior. Journal of the Geological Society (open access).
23. Stagno, V., Stopponi, V., Kono, Y., Manning, C., Irifune, T., Experimental determination of the viscosity of Na2CO3 melt between 1.7 and 4.6 GPa at 1200-1700 °C: Implications for the rheology of carbonatite magmas in the Earth's upper mantle. Chemical Geology, 501, 19-25.
22. Tao, R., Zhang, L., Tian, M., Zhu, J., Liu, X., Liu, J., Höfer, H.E., Stagno, V., Fei, Y., Abiotic hydrocarbon from reduction of carbonates in the S.W. Tianshan (China) subduction zone: Evidence from petrological observation and experimental simulation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 239, 390-408. DOI:
21. Brandano, M., Pomar, L., Mateu-Vicens, G., Cuffaro, M., and Gaglianone, G., Petricca, P., Stagno, V. Response: Commentary: Evaluating the Role of Seagrass in Cenozoic CO2 Variations, Front. Environ. Sci.
20. Tao, R., Zhang, L., Stagno, V., Xu C., Xi L. High-pressure experimental verification of rutile-ilmenite oxybarometer: Implications for the redox state of the subduction zone, Sci. China Earth Sci. 60: 1817.
19. Stagno, V., Bindi, L., Steinhardt, P. J. & Fei, Y. Phase equilibria in the nominally Al65Cu23Fe12 system at 3, 5 and 21GPa: Implications for the quasicrystal-bearing Khatyrka meteorite. Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 271, 47–56,
18. Bosi F., F. Camara, M.E. Ciriotti, U. Halenius, L. Reznitskii, and V. Stagno. Crystal-chemical relations and classification problems in tourmalines belonging to the oxy-schorl - oxy-dravite - bosiite - povondraite series. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29 (3)445-455. DOI: 10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2616.
17. Comodi P, V. Stagno, A. Zucchini, Y. Fei, V. Prakapenka, The compression behavior of blödite at low and high temperature up to ~10 GPa: implications for the stability of hydrous sulfates on icy planetary bodies. Icarus, 285, 137-144.
16. Brandano M., Cuffaro M., Gaglianone G., Petricca P., Stagno V., Mateu-Vicens G. Evaluating the role of seagrass in cenozoic CO2 variations. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4:72. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00072.
15. Lustrino M., Agostini S., Chala Y., Fedele L., Stagno V., Colombi F., Bouguerra A. Exotic lamproites or normal ultrapotassic rocks? The Late Miocene volcanic rocks from Kef Hahouner, NE Algeria, in the frame of the circum-Mediterranean lamproites. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 327, 539-553.
14. Aulbach S. and Stagno V. Evidence for a reducing Archean ambient mantle and its effects on the carbon cycle. Geology, 44(9), 751-754. doi:10.1130/G38070.1.
13. Lustrino M., Prelevic D., Agostini S., Gaeta M., Di Rocco T., Stagno V., Capizzi L.S. Ca-rich carbonates associated with ultrabasic-ultramafic melts: carbonatite or limestone xenoliths? A case study from the late Miocene Morron de Villamayor volcano (Calatrava volcanic field, central Spain). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 185, 477-497.
12. Stagno V., L. Bindi, C. Park, S. Tkachev, V. Prakapenka, H.-K. Mao, R. Hemley, P. Steinhardt, and Y. Fei. Quasicrystals at extreme conditions: The role of pressure in stabilizing icosahedral Al63Cu24Fe13 at high temperature. American Mineralogist, v. 100, 11. DOI: 10.2138/am-2015-5412.
11. Stagno V., M. Mandal, K. Landskron, Y. Fei. High-pressure synthesis of mesoporous stishovite: potential applications in High-Pressure Mineral Physics. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 42, 509-515.
10. Stagno V., D. J. Frost, C. A. McCammon, H. Mohseni, Y. Fei. The oxygen fugacity at which graphite or diamond forms from carbonate-bearing melts in eclogitic rocks. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 169, 16.
9. Dimitri Sverjensky, Vincenzo Stagno, Fang Huang. A rich variety of carbon species in peridotitic and eclogitic fluids in the upper mantle. Nature Geoscience (November). DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2291.
8. Stagno V., L. Bindi, Y. Shibazaki, Y. Tange, Y. Higo, H.-K. Mao, P. J. Steinhardt, Y. Fei. Icosahedral AlCuFe quasicrystal at high pressure and temperature and its implications for the stability of icosahedrite. Scientific Reports 4, 5869; doi:10.1038/srep05869.
7. Cellura D., V. Stagno, M. Camarda, M. Valenza, Diffuse soil CO2 degassing from Linosa Island. Annals of Geophysics, 57, 3, 2014, S0329; doi:10.4401/ag-6476.
6. Stagno V., M. Mandal, W. Yang, C. Ji, Yingwei Fei, H-K Mao, K. Landskron. Synthesis of mesostructured stishovite from periodic FDU12-C composite material. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 187, 145-149.
5. Stagno V., D.O. Ojwang, C.A. McCammon, D.J. Frost. The oxidation state of the mantle and the extraction of carbon from Earth’s interior. Nature, 493, 84-88.
4. Mandal M., V. Stagno,Y. Fei, K. Landskron. Investigation of high-pressure and temperature behavior of surfactant-containing periodic mesostructured silica. Cryst. Growth Des., 13 (1), pp 15-18.
3. Mohanty P., B. Kokoszka, C. Liu, M. Wienberger, M. Mandal, V. Stagno, Y. Fei and K. Landskron. Large-pore periodic mesoporous silicas with crystalline channel walls and exceptional hydrothermal stability synthesized by a general high-pressure nanocasting route. Microporous Mesoporus Mater., 152, 214-218.
2. Stagno, V., Y. Tange, N. Miyajima, C. A. McCammon, T. Irifune, D. J. Frost. The stability of magnesite in the transition zone and the lower mantle as function of the oxygen fugacity. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L19309, doi:10.1029/2011GL049560.
1. Stagno, V., and D. J. Frost. Carbon speciation in the asthenosphere: Experimental measurements of the redox conditions at which carbonate-bearing melts coexist with graphite or diamond in peridotite assemblages. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 30, 72-84, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.09.038.